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Vinsys IT Services can help you achieve excellence in quality. Our training for professional certification guarantees a quick drive to success. Join us for a transformative learning experience with an expert trainer specially designed to advance your professional development and organizational excellence.
الزيارات: 742 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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We take great pride in identifying ourselves as the only professional higher education consulting services in India, with registered offices throughout the GCC with a focus on medical admissions for MBBS, BDS, MD, MS, and MDS. Our overseas center, located in Dubai, has been in operation for the past 24 years. Given that it offers hassle-free admission advice and over 100 references from previous parents, Link India is without a doubt the best medical education consultant. You can shape your child's future and improve their career opportunities with Link India.
الزيارات: 870 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات البحرين | اللغة عربي - Ar
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One of the top providers of online IT training worldwide is VISWA Online Trainings. To assist beginners and working professionals in achieving their career objectives and taking advantage of our best services, we provide a wide range of courses and online training.
Key Features:
Flexible Timings
Certified & Industry Experts Trainers
Customize Course
24/7 Support
Hands On Experience
Best Practices / Example Case Studies
Real Time Use Cases
Job Assistance with Trainers
Lab Facilities
Video class recordings
VISWA Online Trainings
INDIA: +91 9493999586
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://viswaonlinetrainings.com/
الزيارات: 1044 | التقييم: 2 | المقيّمين: 2 | الدولة شركات أجنبية | اللغة عربي - Ar
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يعد المركز الدولي للتدريب والإستشارات من المؤسسات الرائدة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط والذي أنشيء مركزة الرئيسي بالأسكندرية بجمهورية مصر العربية سنة 2002 لتمتد فروعه علي مدي السنوات التالية لتشمل فروع داخل مصر وخارجها بعدة دول عربية وأوروبية وآسيوية وأمريكية...
وهو يعد مبادرة علمية إحترافية في مجال التدريب ... حيث يقدم مجموعة من البرامج التدريبية والخدمات الإستشارية عالية الجودة والكفاءة إلي الكثير من الوزارات والهيئات والشركات الكبرى بمختلف مجالاتها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وخاصة بالوطن العربي، والكفيلة بحل المشاكل والمعوقات التي تعترض الأداء الفردي والمؤسسي في التطوير والتنمية وبالتالي يكفل الحلول التدريبية لتنمية قدرات العاملين في موقع عملهم، مما يجعل دورات المركز الدولي للتدرييب والإستشارات الحل الأنسب لتحقيق أهداف التغيير والتطوير.
الزيارات: 1211 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات مصر | اللغة عربي - Ar
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دايموند للحلول التسويقية وإدارة الأعمال هي شركة تتخصص في استراتيجيات الأعمال والاستشارات الإدارية، لتمكين قطاع عريض من شركات وهيئات القطاع الخاص والعام والمؤسسات الاجتماعية من تحقيق أهدافها والمضي قدمًا نحو التغيير والتطوير.
الزيارات: 1190 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات مصر | اللغة عربي - Ar
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موقع محيطك للإبداع هو موقع متخصص في مجالات مثل التسويق وتعلم مهارات البيع وتطوير الذات ويهتم ايضا بملخصات الكتب والتكنولوجيا والمال والاعمال
الزيارات: 818 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات مصر | اللغة عربي - Ar
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Sure Foundation is founded by experienced professionals who witnessed the transformative impact of acquiring new skills. They believe that in today’s rapidly evolving landscape, professionals need to continually adapt and upskill to stay competitive. Sure Foundation is committed to experiential learning, which combines theoretical foundations with real-world simulations and hands-on exercises. Our collaborative approach with participants is to provide personalized guidance, mentorship, and practical insights. We strive to be the catalyst for personal and professional ascension, empowering individuals, and businesses to soar to new levels of success
الزيارات: 774 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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اكاديمية الدار للتعليم المهني توفر دبلومات في مجالات ادارة الاعمال - الحوسبة - الهندسة - الإعلام والفنون
الزيارات: 1027 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Discover top study abroad consultancies in the UAE that offer expert guidance and support for students aspiring to pursue education abroad. From university selection and application assistance to visa guidance and pre-departure support, these consultancies help make your study abroad journey seamless. Choose a reliable consultancy to unlock global educational opportunities and receive personalized assistance throughout the application process.
الزيارات: 1394 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات البحرين | اللغة عربي - Ar
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مؤسسة الحلول التنموية الدولية ( آي ال سILS)
International Learning Solutions
مؤسسة الحلول التنموية الدولية ( آي ال سILS)
يمكنكم زيارة متجر RODM العلامة التجارية التابعة لنا للتسويق المباشر
للدراسات والحلول التنموية
تدريب- استشارات -خدمات عامة
عضو في الغرفة التجارية
Pioneering in
Providing development and consultancy in management, trade, business and investment
In importing and exporting, entering international markets, developing projects, small and medium businesses developments, and individual households Projects
الرائد في
في تقديم التطوير والاستشارات في الادارة والتجارة والاعمال والاستثمار وفي الاستيراد والتصدير ودخول الاسواق الدولية وتنمية المشاريع والاعمال المتوسطة والصغيرة والفردية المنزليه
Our experiences ... secret of your success
Specialization Pioneers ... & Excellence address
خبرتنا سر نجاحكم
نحن للتخصص رواد ...وللتميز عنوان
الزيارات: 1070 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات اليمن | اللغة عربي - Ar
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Inymart Academy is a pioneer in digital marketing training. We provide training for professionals who want to learn the latest skills and techniques. Our courses are designed with the latest trends in mind and our instructors have a lot of practical experience in their respective fields.
الزيارات: 1470 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات أجنبية | اللغة عربي - Ar
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Centrally located in Dubai, Learners Point Academy came into being in the year 2001. It is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organisation that offers a wide range of courses covering the arenas of technology, Finance, Marketing, HR, Logistics, Management, ERP and Leadership. We have helped over 110,000 learners including top-of-the-line corporates of GCC to realize their dreams.
We believe in harnessing the wonderful growth prospects that lie hidden in the technology of tomorrow. With the courses designed by industry experts, we aspire to help individuals and businesses to attain benchmark expertise in creating secure and reliable products. Our cost-effective cutting-edge and customizable courses are readily picked by individuals.
الزيارات: 1084 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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Team Academy in Qatar will help with professional training courses & certification programs. Upgrade your career with Industry Recognized Certifications.
الزيارات: 1167 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar
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مركز حورس يقدم وينظم خدمة التدريب ، وهو أيضا جزء من مصر من مدينة الإسكندرية. نحن نقدم مجموعة متميزة من البرامج الإدارية والمالية والمصرفية ، المبيعات ، التسويق والمهارات القانونية بما في ذلك التدريب والشهادات المهنية على مختلف المستويات. برامجنا مفتوحة تسمح للأفراد لحضور مجموعة متعددة من البرامج التدريبية على مدار العام.
الزيارات: 1968 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات مصر | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Vinsys is a globally acclaimed individual and corporate training provider that instills faith in the power of education since 1999. Our dynamic team is committed to empowering people across the globe with competitive knowledge and skills that are essential to cope up with the ever-changing industry requirements. Vinsys is driven by the urge to create a large pool of learned, highly skilled, and professionally certified individuals with a vision to fill the skill gap between applicants and corporates while also enabling corporates to establish a process-driven culture for organizational success.
Teamed up with more than 1000 industry experts worldwide, Vinsys has established its footprints in Australia, China, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Oman, Singapore, Tanzania, UAE, and the USA with a record of 750,000+ professionals trained globally. We are an ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 certified organization with 140 state-of-the-art labs having a capacity of 2,400 delegates.
Vinsys offers individual courses, professional certification programs, and corporate training programs in an array of domains that include Information Technology, IT Service Management, IT Governance, IT Infrastructure Library, Project Management, Behavioral and Management Solutions and Foreign Language Services.
الزيارات: 1272 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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Ethos Integrated Solutions is the pioneer company in the field of corporate excellence, customer experience management and in particular the implementation of the Global Star Rating program. We have been developing the Customer Experience in the Middle East for decades and today we bring forth further innovations globally.
Ethos services cover all aspects of the customer experience and journey mapping starting from measuring the CX levels (Mystery Shopping & Surveys), and analyzing the data gathered through our online solutions, finally through improving the CX journey through our certified consultants and advisors
الزيارات: 1543 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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TMC offers you the most effective teaching and training environments to conduct interactive training programs that meet the highest technical and quality standards, in order to empower future leaders to build a knowledgeable and competitive businesses. I invite you to come together with sincerity, honesty and dedication to transform the employees into an undeniable force in the international corporate world. Book your Lessons Now.
الزيارات: 1415 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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The CNA Training Institute enjoys a sterling reputation in the healthcare sector for providing an expansive array of medical and nursing courses to students worldwide. Drawing on our considerable expertise in medical training, we founded our own institution with the aim of establishing a benchmark for education and practical skills in the healthcare industry. Our seasoned trainers have meticulously curated a comprehensive assortment of medical and nursing courses to cater to the diverse requirements of individuals, professionals, and healthcare organizations. Our training programs include Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Certified Caregiver Professional (CCP), Certified Professional Coder (CPC), and more. For additional details, kindly get in touch with us.
الزيارات: 1632 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
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Studygram is your one-stop shop for studying abroad. We provide end-to-end services in university and program selection, test prep, application and admission processing, traveling and visa support, all the way until you attend your first day of class at your desired destination.
الزيارات: 1847 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الكويت | اللغة عربي - Ar