رابط الشركة
Vape Here Store, a pinnacle of vaping excellence in the UAE, offers a sanctuary for those who seek the zenith of vaping experiences. Our boutique, an embodiment of luxury and innovation, showcases an extraordinary range of advanced e-cigarettes, elegant mods, and an eclectic collection of premium e-liquids. Each product, meticulously selected, promises unmatched quality and satisfaction. Our passionate team, with their deep-rooted knowledge of vaping culture, is dedicated to providing bespoke advice, ensuring each customer's journey is as unique as their tastes. We invite you to immerse yourself in the artistry of vaping, where tradition meets modernity in a harmonious blend.
الزيارات: 1099 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات فلسطين | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Welcome to TradersFind, the ultimate B2B and B2C e-commerce platform for businesses and consumers in UAE, brought to you by Interconnect Technologies L.L.C.! We've created TradersFind with a clear goal in mind: to provide a space for companies to showcase their details and products to other businesses and end users. Your business success is our top priority, and we're dedicated to helping you strengthen your online presence on our website, making it easier for you to grow your business.
الزيارات: 1439 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Aqua Drop Equipment trading is a water filtration systems trader company in United Arab Emirates and has gained an enviable reputation for its quality, services and cost effective Technological aptitude, through farsightedness and absolute professionalism.
We are authorized distributors for several world-renowned brands for water treatment such as, Ever pure, Aquapro, UV Sita, Clack Cooperation, Oasis, Amitech, E-clear CSI, DOSA TRONIC Systems etc.
We avail this opportunity to inform your good selves that we at Aqua Drop Equipment trading Company Offer a diverse range of services.
Our activities cover supply, installation and commissioning of all types of water filtration system products ranging from residential to commercial and industrial uses.
Our major water treatment products are:
• Water softeners
• Water filters (sand filters, multimedia, stainless steel and cartridge filter)
• Reverse osmosis system from 50 GPD up to 1,000,000 GPD.
• Maintenance contract for all water treatment systems
• Swimming Pool maintenance contract
• UV Sterilizer
• Water chiller
• Treatment chemicals for all types of water systems such as chilled water, portable water, boilers, swimming pool, etc.
• Dosing Pump Systems
الزيارات: 1216 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Prime Edge is a company based in the UAE that specializes in concrete cutting, scanning, and repairing services. We offer these services in the UAE and use advanced techniques and equipment for precise and efficient results. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Prime Edge aims to provide quality solutions for concrete-related needs, including Concrete cutting in UAE, Concrete scanning in UAE, and Concrete repairing in UAE.
الزيارات: 1125 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
IYYM is one of the best and professional industrial automation dealers in UAE. Being one of the specialized engine-driven pump dealers, producers of pumps in UAE, water pump dealers, and self-priming pumps dealers, we make available end to end solutions when it comes to industrial automation, self-priming pumps, engine-driven pump, water pump, PTO pumps, wastewater pump, API pump, diesel pumps, petroleum pumps, chemical pumps, sludge transfer pumps, rotary gear pumps, oil pumps, and raw sewage pump.
الزيارات: 817 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
NAFACO is a leading construction, engineering, procurement, development and investment company in Dubai, UAE. We offer various services, including building construction solutions, all-building construction, desert building construction, and 3D construction. We have a team of experienced and qualified professionals who deliver high-quality projects on time and within budget.
الزيارات: 922 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
JETBLAST International Equipment LLC is engaged in designing, manufacturing and marketing of complete range of high quality CE Standard Sandblasting and Painting products to serve all kind of Industrial sectors in Middle East and Global market. Jet blast Provide the best service in the field of surface treatment technologies to you-valuable customer. Jet blast make in the service with its constantly improving dynamic team according to problems and needs occurred in totally different sectors.
الزيارات: 1171 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
شركة Anhui Harmle Machinery Technology Co. ، LTD هي شركة تصنيع شاملة لمعدات معالجة الصفائح المعدنية في الصين. ينتج المصنع الأول بشكل أساسي آلات فرامل الضغط وآلات القص وآلات القطع بالليزر وآلات التثقيب وعمال الحديد وآلات الحز وأدوات آلات الختم الأخرى ، بينما ينتج المصنع الثاني بشكل أساسي معدات مجاري التهوية بما في ذلك خطوط مجاري الهواء وآلات الطي وآلات تشكيل القفل ، آلات ثني الأسطوانة ، آلات تشكيل الفلنجات ، إلخ. الشركة لديها قسم داخلي للبحث والتطوير ، قسم الإنتاج والمعالجة ، قسم المشتريات ، قسم فحص الجودة ، قسم تركيب ما بعد البيع ، قسم المبيعات المحلية والأجنبية ، والشركة مجهزة بإدارة برامج تخطيط موارد المؤسسات (ERP). داخليا. يقوم بشكل منهجي بتعيين المسؤوليات وإدارة العملية من جوانب ما قبل البيع والمبيعات وما بعد البيع مثل الاستشارة والاقتباس ووضع الطلب والتصدير والتكليف والتركيب عن بُعد أو من الباب إلى الباب ، والتي يمكن أن توفر خدمات احترافية للمحليين والأجانب العملاء بكفاءة أكبر.
تم إنشاء Anhui Harmle في عام 2021 ، ويقع المصنع في منطقة Bowang ، مقاطعة Anhui ، والتي تُعرف باسم "أول مدينة في أدوات آلة قطع القوالب في الصين" مع موقع متميز ووسائل نقل مريحة. يغطي المصنع مساحة إجمالية قدرها 40 ألف متر مربع ويعمل به أكثر من 100 موظف في الهندسة والإنتاج والمبيعات ، وقد حصلت الشركة على شهادة نظام إدارة الجودة ISO9001 بالإضافة إلى شهادة CE للعديد من المنتجات. وهي مجهزة أيضًا بآلة طحن CNC متطورة ، ومعدات معالجة آلة طحن وطحن أرضية واسعة النطاق ، ومركز تصنيع أفقي CNC ، ومراكز تصنيع بخمسة محاور ، ومركز تصنيع عملاق أمريكي Neway ، ومحلل تركيز بالليزر ، ومجهر رقمي فائق الدقة ومتقدم آخر معدات المعالجة والاختبار. تطبق الشركة نظام إدارة الجودة Harmle في كل خطوة من خطوات البحث والتطوير والمعالجة وفحص الجودة ، وتوفر معدات وحلولًا احترافية لقطع غيار السيارات والأجهزة الطبية وأدوات المطبخ والأدوات الصحية والفضاء والآلات الزراعية وغيرها من المجالات. تصل قيمة الإنتاج السنوية لـ Harmle Machinery إلى 55 مليون يوان صيني ، ويتم تصدير منتجات الشركة إلى أكثر من 50 دولة ومنطقة حول العالم ، مثل أوروبا وأمريكا والشرق الأوسط وجنوب آسيا الوسطى. تصل قيمة الصادرات السنوية إلى خمسة وثلاثين مليونًا.
المهمة: دع التصنيع الذكي في الصين يفيد صناعة معالجة الصفائح المعدنية العالمية
الرؤية: بيعت ماركة Miharting إلى 200 دولة ومنطقة
القيمة: العميل أولاً ، النزاهة ، الابتكار
الزيارات: 1578 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات أجنبية | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Al-Bahar offers the best-in-class heavy equipment and a powered access system. They also have a wide range of building and construction-making equipment, mining, road-making construction, demolition, waste, and scrap handling machines in Dubai.
الزيارات: 1662 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
In this part we will introduce the whole EASIAHOME company’s history for you.
In the year of 2007, we founded Harvey Stainless Products Co., Ltd. Specially for Dissolution die casting, grinding and polishing parts, petroleum machinery processing and sales; mechanical sheet metal goods, and polishing production and processing of products.
الزيارات: 1505 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات أجنبية | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Slip-On flanges or SO flanges are commonly lower in price than weld-neck flanges, and to this effect are a popular choice for our customers. Slip on pipe flanges in stock include AWWA slip on pipe flanges, ANSI slip on pipe flanges, Pressure Vessel slip on pipe flanges and slip on pipe flanges that match the OD and drilling of ASME flanges.
For more information
CALL : +91-9819523999
[email protected]
الزيارات: 1304 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الجزائر | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
متجر مواد بناء هو متجر الكتروني متخصص في عرض مواد البناء في السعودية متجر شامل يبيع للافراد و الشركات تجد عروض للادوات الصحية و الحديد و الخلاطات وغيرها تصفح متجر مواد بناء
الزيارات: 1725 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات السعودية | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
DXB Solutions (ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company) has grown to become "The Most Preferred Service Provider" in the UAE, a leading supplier and service provider for the worlds leading brands in Engineering sectors. Our team consist of well experienced Engineers, Technician and skilled staff that has remarkable knowledge of understanding and excellence in their respective fields. The professionalism of our people ensures that we deliver a fast and reliable services to our clients. To obtain and maintain endorsement, we constantly demonstrate the highest levels of quality workmanship, documentation, internal business systems and customer satisfaction levels.
الزيارات: 1746 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Topper Floating Solar PV Mounting Manufacturer Co., Ltd.since its inception in 2003,sets main profession on the production of floating solar mounting systems characterized by environmental protection,long use life and easy installation.
Topper Floating Solar PV Mounting Manufacturer Co., Ltd. is run by experts in marketing, solar engineering, supported by comprehensive scientific systems of research and development as well as quality control with an total area of 12,000 square meters covering R & D departments, mould workshops, product manufacturing workshops, quality control workshops and floating PV power experiment stations. Moreover, Topper has built sound technical cooperative relationships with worldwide manufacturers and R & D organizations.
Topper Floating Solar PV Mounting Manufacturer Co., Ltd. has all along been keeping a leading level in solar product quality,durability compared to that of any other producers. Choose us, you will get value-added business cooperation. https://www.floatingsolarmounting.com
الزيارات: 1477 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات أجنبية | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Leading international supplier of high-performance construction chemicals for the construction industry
الزيارات: 1537 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات الإمارات | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Deep Steel Center started it’s glorious journey in 1974 with a mission to contribute to the growth story of India’s economy. Since the establishment of our company in 1974, it has grown as one of the leading enterprises handling Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloy materials in India.
Deep Steel Center is one of the leading importer, trader and supplier of Stainless Steel, high nickel steel, alloy Steel, carbon steel in form of pipe, fittings, flanges, fasteners, plate, round bar, wire, coils, etc. With the head office in Mumbai, Deep Steel is devoted to provide top quality and serviceability to all its customers with the little cause time.
We regard customer satisfaction as one of our key business goals along with the responsibility for highest quality & competitive prices. We have a strong network and sufficient supply sources that help us satisfy various needs of our customers on time.
We will be more than happy to have your feedback and suggestion to improve our services. We look forward to have your continuous support and encouragement to help us attain our goals.
الزيارات: 1555 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Vandan Steel & Engg. co. is the biggest Authorized Distributer, Importer, Supplier, Stockist, Exporter, Dealer of Plates to different nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, UAE, Iran, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Greece, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, South Africa, South America, Brazil, India, Australia, and Egypt.. Vandan Steel & Engg. co. depended on the hypothesis of persistently seeing the necessities of its customers and understanding that quality, on-time movement, cost and customer advantage are imperative to it accomplishment. Vandan Steel & Engg. co. Can redraw Plates for customers that require phenomenal plate sizes or specific tempers for their application.
الزيارات: 1740 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات أجنبية | اللغة عربي - Ar
رابط الشركة
Nutech Overseas started it’s glorious journey in 1974 with a mission to contribute to the growth story of India’s economy. Since the establishment of our company in 1974, it has grown as one of the leading enterprises handling Stainless Steel and Nickel Alloy materials in India.
الزيارات: 1527 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات السعودية | اللغة عربي - Ar