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دليل الشركات العربية
دليل كامل و شامل لشركات العربية و المواقع الإبداعية التي تساعد الجميع في اعمالهم

عرض المواقع الخاصة بالدولة: شركات قطر

Promise Dental Center

رابط الشركة

At Promise Dental Center, we’re here to remind you that one of your best assets is your pearly whites. Established in 2010, our practice focuses on providing the most important aspects of cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry in Qatar. We make it our mission to master the breakthrough technological developments within the dental industry in order to give you the best care available. From simple cleanings to full oral reconstruction, we’re here to help you get your confident smile back.

الزيارات: 1043 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar


رابط الشركة

شكل عيادة أبولو قطر جزءا من مجموعة مستشفى أبولو في الهند، والتي يتم تصنيفها حاليا كأكبر مجموعة من المستشفيات في آسيا وثالث أكبر مستشفى في العالم. وبدأت العيادة عملها في قطر عام 2005 ومع أكثر من 40 من الأطباء المتميزين في وهي اليوم أكبر مستوصف في قطر. توفر عيادة أبولو قطر استشارات وعيادات خارجية في جميع التخصصات الطبية والأسنان كما يتوفر بها مختبر وتشمل الخدمات الرئيسية الأخرى اشاعة X- راي، صوت الترا ، قياس السمع. لدى العيادة ترتيبات مع جميع مقدمي خدمات التأمين الصحي على الصعيدين المحلي والدولي، مما يتيح للمرضى مع مختلف شركات التأمين الصحي الاستفادة من الخدمات غير النقدية في العيادة.

الزيارات: 1048 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Dr.Saleena Clinic

رابط الشركة

عيادة الدكتور سالينا وقد تم تجهيز مع أحدث التقنيات في تحسين الحمل وإدارة الحمل وأمراض النساء العلاج بما في ذلك: تقييم شامل قبل الحمل الإرشاد الجيني تقييم وإدارة المخاطر قبل الولادة أول ثلاثة أشهر بالموجات فوق الصوتية والمصل داون متلازمة الفرز مسح النمو مسحة عنق الرحم العقم العمل حتى والعلاج.

الزيارات: 840 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Sidra Outpatient Clinic

رابط الشركة

يتم تحديث المركز الإعلامي لسدرة للطب بشكلٍ دوري. هنا يمكنكم متابعة الأحداث الجارية، وقراءة قصص يكتبها المرضى الذين غيَّر سدرة للطب حياتهم. يُرجى الاتصال بنا إذا كانت لديكم أي أسئلة حول خدماتنا الطبية. سدرة للطب منشأة رعاية صحية حديثة تقدم خدمات طبية على مستوى عالمي. الأخبار والقصص التي تقرأونها هنا هي شهادات حية على هذه الحقيقة.

الزيارات: 650 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Family Medicine Specialists

رابط الشركة

The International Medical Centre was founded in 2016 to help people in Qatar access world-class healthcare. Having seen friends & family struggle to access care locally, and either travel abroad or ignore various health issues, the Founders became passionate about bringing the highest quality care to the Qatar community. Following the establishment of The International Physiotherapy Centre a year earlier, the goal for the Founders was clear – to provide the best quality healthcare that people can trust. When a patient visits The International Medical Centre, they can see any of our medical professionals in multiple specialities with confidence that they are getting access to the very best care.

الزيارات: 695 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Dr.Hessa Al-Buainain Center

رابط الشركة

مجمع الدكتورة حصة الطبي هو مجمع طبي حديث ومتكامل؛ حيث بُني المجمع وفقًا لأحدث المعايير الطبية تحت إدارة نخبة من الأطباء المختصين وذوي الاحترافية العالية والخبرة الطويلة. نحرص في مجمّع الدكتورة حصة على تقديم أفضل الخدمات الطبية المتكاملة ذات الجودة المميزة، كما نحرص على تلبية جميع متطلبات مرضانا وخلق تجربة فريدة ومميزة لهم. نوفر لكم الخدمات الطبية والعلاجية الآتية: عيادة طب الأسنان عيادة الجلدية عيادة التنحيف.

الزيارات: 871 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

توب سوليوشنز

رابط الشركة

حققت شركة "توب سوليوشنز" نموًا مميزًا منذ تأسيسها كشركة توفر منصات المعارض والديكور الداخلي للمكاتب والمحلات والمعارض التجارية. تتبوأ الشركة مكانة كبرى بين الشركات المتخصصة في مجال إدارة المشاريع والتوريد وتوفير التجهيزات وخدمات التجديد للمتاجر بمنطقة دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي. خدمات أعمال الديكورات الداخلية لأهم العلامات التجارية العالمية للمجوهرات والساعات تجهيز وتركيب منصات المعارض أهمها معرض الدوحة للمجوهرات والساعات. توفير حلول الديكور والعرض لمختلف الصناعات. تجهيزات المحلات و المكاتب. تجهيز أجنحة الديكور للمعارض ووحدات العرض تجهيز نقاط البيع. تقديم خدمات التصميم الداخلي.

الزيارات: 1177 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Saif Trading & Decoration

رابط الشركة

Saif Trading & Decoration Company was established in the State of Qatar in the year 1999 headed by Our Managing Director Mr. Nagi Mohammed Elbashir Mohammed and with a highly motivated professional management team with a wide experience in OFFICE FURNITURE & INTERIOR DECORATION industry over a decade. The company specializes in the Supply, Installation and Manufacturing of Office Furniture and Interior decoration to the taste of each individual customer. In every single piece of furniture that we select & sell, we aim to deliver the finest quality, scientifically apt design and the best pre & post sales & services. Office Furniture needs more precision and scientific approach as these are the places where one spends most of the time and thus, we have ‘no compromise’ policy for them. We handpick the best and the most functional furniture It has accrued a solid reputation and became one of the major companies operating in its field of Office Furniture in the State of Qatar in record time.

الزيارات: 866 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Katara Art Center

رابط الشركة

In order to bring art and culture always further than we have ever imagined, We help businesses to have a touch of creativity in their strategy and spaces. We organise exhibitions, auctions, talks and workshops. We lead marketing campaigns and enhance cultural branding. We develop creative digital strategies. We create lifestyle experiences and art concepts. We make the art trends. We curate and build art collections for hotels, stores or restaurants. Interior design and scenography services in order to enhance the interiors of art and design lovers. We also can develop art and design pieces to fit your project and finally for our collectors. We have a service of art collection management.

الزيارات: 653 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

European Guarding & Security Services

رابط الشركة

At European Guarding & Security Services, we believe that success comes from a relentless focus on innovation, execution efficiency and to keep pace of technology development. These concepts are not only vital to our business development, but also for our made efforts to keep on our leadership sustainability in our industries. Sustainability Innovation means delivering services more intelligently. By using all our resources and appropriate guidance, we are empowering people to do what they distinction in and using the power of diverse ideas to overcome challenges. We believe our approach for providing services is different from our competitors. We strive to deliver world class services and high quality, generating the best business environments by focusing on and understanding our customers’ business needs. Therefore, our staffs are the heartbeats of what we offer of services. Whereas their knowledge and qualifications what create business winning services delivered with passion and care to keep on our high levels of provided services in our different sectors in the markets and to ensure our customer success and satisfaction. Looking to the future we will continue to grow and strengthen our business through acquisition, new product launch and investment in our people who make EGSS different and such an exciting place to be.

الزيارات: 815 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Al Sraiya Security Services

رابط الشركة

Al Sraiya Security Services W.L.L (SSS) is a prominent security service provider, based in the State of Qatar. Our culture is defined by an engrained ability to adapt and respond quickly to our Client’s requirements. Since the inception of SSS in the early 2015, our tradition of ingenuity has driven continuous improvement in the way we operate. Our focus then and now however, remains the same; “define and deploy the best solutions for our clients” Our success is a combination of two key ingredients: the contribution of our Employees and the support of our valued Clients. Going forward, we are confident that we will continue to do in what we do best, deliver solutions along with peace of mind to our Clients wherever we operate. These are exciting times for our Group, and we are confident that you will feel the sense of our passion, expertise, reliability, and commitment as you go through our profile.

الزيارات: 929 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar


رابط الشركة

عن الشركة شركة التيسير للخدمات الأمنية ذ.م.م. تأسست شركة التيسير للخدمات الأمنية عام 2011وهي شركة قطرية عضو في مجموعة التيسير، حيث حققت نموًا سريعًا لتصبح شركة رائدة في الخدمات الأمنية من خلال تقديم حلول أمنية ذكية تجمع بين الموظفين المحترفين وحرَّاس الأمن مستعملة أحدث التقنيات في هذا المجال.. لقد حققنا أثرًا على الصعيد الوطني من خلال شراكاتنا مع مؤسسات وعملاء على نطاق واسع في القطاعين العام والخاص. وتشتمل هذه المؤسسات على الشركات التجارية والرعاية الصحية، النفط والغاز والتعليم و قطاع البناء. ويُرسخ ذلك مدى تنوع القطاعات والعقود التي أبرمناها، والتي نجحنا من خلالها في استقدام شبكة من المتخصصين لدينا لدعم عملياتنا في جميع أرجاء دولة قطر.

الزيارات: 657 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar


رابط الشركة

Saif Trading & Décoration Company was established in the State of Qatar in the year 1999 headed by Our Managing Director Mr. Nagi Mohammed Elbashir Mohammed and with a highly motivated professional management team with a wide experience in OFFICE FURNITURE & INTERIOR DECORATION industry over a decade. The company specializes in the Supply, Installation and Manufacturing of Office Furniture and Interior decoration to the taste of each individual customer. In every single piece of furniture that we select & sell, we aim to deliver the finest quality, scientifically apt design and the best pre & post sales & services. Office Furniture needs more precision and scientific approach as these are the places where one spends most of the time and thus, we have ‘no compromise’ policy for them. We handpick the best and the most functional furniture It has accrued a solid reputation and became one of the major companies operating in its field of Office Furniture in the State of Qatar in record time.

الزيارات: 830 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar


رابط الشركة

Since 1978, TIVOLI is one of the longest established retailers & project companies in Qatar. Offering Home & Office furniture, Kitchens & Accessories.

الزيارات: 410 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Gulf Carpet Showroom

رابط الشركة

With our highly skilled team and the most modern, technologically advanced equipment we offer products of excellence, we offer materials and workmanship of the highest quality and to the most demanding of requirements within a specified time period and at a competitive price. Our commitment to quality enables us to achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction, thanks to a combination of outstanding design, high quality and its own state-of-the-art production facilities. We do not just follow trends but set them. Our Carpets stand for durability and robustness and we use only the best raw materials, 100% New Zealand wools for our carpets.

الزيارات: 773 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

RAFCO qatar

رابط الشركة

Al Rafidain Co. (RAFCO) WLL, established in 1968, is one of well-known fit out contractor that provides interior finishing decoration/building materials products and services for commercial and residential buildings, and other private institutions. Our goal is our continuing commitment to bring innovative interior furnishings by offering high-quality products and good services to exceed the expectations of every client by offering right products, and outstanding customer services. For over 40 years of existence in the field, we pride ourselves on being able to get the job done, on time, and within budget. We have executed several turnkey projects in the areas of kitchen and wardrobes cabinet, carpet tile, roof tiles, interior decoration, and furniture for supply, design and installation.

الزيارات: 983 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Nabco Furniture Center مركز نابكو للمفروشات

رابط الشركة

Nabco Furniture Centre opened its Showroom in May, 1996, since then, the way people bought furniture had changed forever. With the grace of Allah, NABCO became one of the most favorite Furniture Showrooms to shop for in the country. Nabco Furniture Centre has an incomparable delivery service that ensures customers will receive their new furniture in days not in months. Our fast and easy furniture delivery is realized through the state-of-the-art of Nabco Furniture Centre wide distribution channels which could accommodate thousands of furniture pieces ready for delivery anytime. Walk into our bright, stylish and friendly furniture showroom and discover the ease of one-stop decorating. We are one of the leading furniture companies in Qatar.

الزيارات: 1534 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Al Jameel Showroom

رابط الشركة

AL-Jameel established it’s first showroom dealing with furniture and accessories in Qatar since 1956. To our client, we have proven track record offering the highest caliber of creative concept in Interior Design, Contracting and Furnishing of Corporate, Retail, Residential and Project Management. For more than 60 years, our company has been inspired by artisan tradition and culture, leading us to design and create, day in and day out, furnishings and interiors that truly mirror the sophisticated desires and tastes of homeowners Qatar over.

الزيارات: 478 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Casa Blu Company

رابط الشركة

The idea is to build something that lasts, to enhance the quality of the urban environment and people's lives. This idea has become a reality thanks to CASA BLU. The business was established in 2008 and is one of the leading companies in the industry. At CASA BLU, we believe that our work is more than great functionality and beautiful aesthetics. we place value on long-term, intensive customer relationships which include both specialized solutions and new joint developments. Our Philosophy Is Simply Quality Design. Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance to the company.

الزيارات: 577 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

Safco office furniture qatar

رابط الشركة

Safco Trading& Services is the most trustworthy furniture suppliers in Doha, Qatar. Our company is composed of highly experienced and specialized professionals with years of work experience in this field. We always tend to update our collections according to the latest trends along with keeping the traditional and antique collections. Our collections vary from office chairs, desks, executive sets, home decor range, fit-out works, school furniture, interior design works, etc. Our furniture shop in Qatar is a customary shop providing quality services at an affordable price range compared to others. As our tagline says YOUR QUALITY PARTNER we swear on not compromising our quality at any cost.

الزيارات: 873 | التقييم: 0 | المقيّمين: 0 | الدولة شركات قطر | اللغة عربي - Ar

منطقة الأعضاء

تسجيل حساب جديد

الأقسام الرئيسية