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دليل الشركات العربية
دليل كامل و شامل لشركات العربية و المواقع الإبداعية التي تساعد الجميع في اعمالهم

Khazan Qatar

شعار الشركة

Khazan Qatar

اسم الشركة Khazan Qatar

رابط الشركة موقع الشركة

وصف الشركة Was established in early 2005, with the purchase of the mineral water manufacturing plant at Doha Industrial Area, the company started to produce it’s own brand “Aqua Gulf” Pure Bottled Drinking Water and later adding one more production facility to produce the “Dana” Pure Mineral Drinking Water range the company has successfully established itself as one of the leading beverage Manufacturer, Distributor, and Exporter, now it is a top industry in the State of Qatar. ​ Since the establishment of the company, it has been enjoying booming sales and wide acceptance by consumers. At the same time, the company received many inquiries from abroad and decided to take the opportunity to venture into overseas markets. As a result Khazan-Qatar successfully penetrated foreign markets, especially countries such as Bahrain, Iraq. Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates & ten other East African countries. ​ In addition, the company also handles contracts to produce products exclusively for other customers to supply the local market. The commitment to produce the best quality beverages at value for money has led the company to become the leading competitive beverage producer in the State of Qatar. Developing and Importing convenient products and moving products into new markets is part of Khazan’s brand heritage. ​ Conserved Foodstuffs Distributing Company L.L.C. Khazan – Qatar, Owned by Mezzan Holding Company – Kuwait, the largest and most diverse product group, it is well known for its innovative product portfolio among the GCC house hold, www.mezzan.com.

عنوان الشركة Street No 2, Gate 94 Old Industrial Area, Doha-Qatar, P.O. Box. 5613

الدولة شركات قطر

القسم شركات المواد الغذائية

الزيارات: 1213

التقييم: 0

المقيّمين: 0

تاريخ الإضافة: 1/4/2023

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